Missing Bishop Bernard N. Bragg “Thank You for Being A Friend”

Missing #BNB … Kinda long post, but thank #bettywhite …

One day, Bishop called and says he needed to go to Manhattan for a long-time friend’s birthday. Cool Bishop, let’s go!!! Kabraun Harris, he, and I hit 95 and got to NY in, let’s say, quickly (I’ll tell ya’ll about the time I got pulled over, and Bishop sucked his teeth, and in went, those cheeks, perched his lips and proceeded to open his coat to show his collar, 😂😂😂).

  • 1.) the event was in a bar, KaBraun and I were bugging out like, this is going to be interesting (but if you knew, anywhere he went became a sanctuary, and oft, I’d just bow my head and pass tissue to whomever he was ministering).
  • 2.) we’ve heard Bishop sing and reach for notes unknown to Man 10,000 times, but he sang the ENTIRE ‘Thank You For Being A Friend’, and he SANG! It’s moments likes these where you got a glimpse of who ‘Bernard’ (respectfully) really was beyond the Apostleship on his life.

If he was here today, somebody would def be summoned to 38-40 to one, bring him a few plates, and two, ‘bring up’ Golden Girls so I can mourn ‘good ole Betty’ …I miss him tremendously…