
#YourHealthyJava E9

Women’s Heart Health | Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Today’s Women’s Heart Health episode with Dr. Doreen DeFaria Yeh was one of the most informative and educational sessions we’ve had in the #javaCafe.

Dr. Claude Alabre, Medical Director of the #YourHealthyJava segment, and I had the opportunity to talk with Dr. DeFaria Yeh about how the differences between a woman’s heart health and a man’s heart health. We learned so much.

  • Did you know there are different types of heart attacks?
  • Did you know that pregnancy can have an impact on a woman’s heart?
  • Did you know that a healthy diet, exercise, and good sleep hygiene are very important to maintaining a healthy heart?

Drs. Alabre and DeFaria both shared ways that we can maintain, or begin to improve our heart health.

Take a few moments and listen to today’s session below:

Tune into #YourhealthJava every first and third Tuesday at 9:00 AM.

All #YourHealthyJava episodes can be viewed here (case-specific) jwj.info/yhj.

For more information, questions, or health topic suggestions, please email info@javawithJimmy.