Happy Thanksgiving
Eat Well and Wise!!! Can I just share some thoughts about my struggle today?
I don’t know about any of you, but after listening to Dr. Fatima this past Tuesday, I canNOT fix the huge plate of food that I am used to making on Thanksgiving. LOL!!!
Earlier this week, #YourHealthyJava guest, Dr. Fatima Stanford, MD, MPH, MPA, MBA, FAAP, FACP, FAHA, FAMWA, FTOS (yeah, read all those wonderful letters behind this Black Queen’s name) shared that the way we eat today is not healthy.
I mean sort of known that for years. A lot of today’s American traditional dishes are filled with butter, salt, sugar, and calories. Within the Black community, largely due to the “leftovers” given for us to eat, our traditional meals are even more unhealthy. We did what we had to do, adding our culture filled with spices and herbs, we “made do”, but a lot of it was not healthy for us. Dr. Fatima reminded us of this on Tuesday but also encouraged us to enjoy ourselves and to be mindful.
In all seriousness, she provided a good balance.
Enjoy today’s time with family and yes, great food, but remember not to overdo it, and keep your health in mind.
Now, ironically, with that said, below is a picture of one of the most discussed dishes among the Black community this time of year. Yes, I made them, their called “Chitterlings”. LOL